Using Cyberspace To Get Sexy in Different Ways

Using Cyberspace To Get Sexy in Different Ways

Of course, the internet has changed everything! That’s no surprise, and it also didn’t take long before scanned photos of naughty photos from porn magazines ended up online way back in the More »

Why The Internet Is The Best Solution For Wife Seekers

Why The Internet Is The Best Solution For Wife Seekers

There is no doubt that men get lonely. They’re constantly on the prowl for the love of their life. Over the years, the way in which men search for women has changed More »

Exploring The Biggest Benefits Associated With Texting Apps For Your Smartphone

Exploring The Biggest Benefits Associated With Texting Apps For Your Smartphone

The way people communicate with one another has changed significantly over the past few years. In fact, 41% of US households were wireless only by the end of 2013. As long as More »

Why Would People Post their Nude Photos to the Public?

Why Would People Post their Nude Photos to the Public?

You’re not alone if you’re completely baffled that people would post nude pictures online. To many it seems like an utterly absurd and possibly dangerous idea with no upside. That just means More »

How to find people for NSA fun

How to find people for NSA fun

Been just a bit too lonely lately? You have often struggled to figure out exactly how to find people for NSA fun over the years, but today you have decided to take More »


4 Compelling Reasons You Should Stop Comparing Yourself To Other Men

I live about a 15 minute walk from the headquarters of Mozilla, Twitter, Salesforce, Yelp, and Charles Schwab, among many others. The main campuses of Yahoo, Google, Apple, and Facebook are less than an hour drive away. There is money everywhere. There are more BMW's around than Honda's, and making six figures won't impress anyone around here, and won't even guarantee that you don't with roommates. You may have already guessed that I am talking about San Francisco. I am doing ok for myself, but I am not part of the tech world. I don't have equity or stock options in Read More

First Date Deadlines … How Long Would You Wait?

Something I'm often asked, is whether there are any set rules you can follow when it comes to dating. How long should you wait before texting someone? How quickly should you reply to a text message? Should your text message be a certain length? Does certain behaviour look too keen? Personally, I'm not a big fan of rules. I get that sometimes we lose our heads, when it comes to dating, and it can be easier to control yourself, when you follow a specific set of instructions. But … in all honesty, any man or Read More

How Being Beta Can Make You More Attractive

Quick…what's your response when a chick asks you: “Are you gay?” A) “No! Of course not!” B) “No way! I've slept with hundreds of women!” C) “I'm against homosexuality!” D) “Oh tooootally. I'm actually a gay porn star. You've seen my website, right?” If D was your answer then congratulations. You've passed a shit test favorite of many of today's Ameri-cunts. If you went a step further and added that the line should be delivered in an overtly sarcastic tone with a devilish grin while maintaining eye contact with your target until she answers your question, so you can tease the shit out of her Read More

UK Feminists Attack Barrister Because Of His Warnings About Rape Hysteria

A veteran of the English Criminal Bar was trashed in the UK press over a blog post he wrote about consent and rape. David Osborne, who has been practicing law since 1974, warned that recent reforms to the way police and prosectors handle rape cases (which I wrote about here) have “serious consequences for all involved in casual sex”: For the past ten years or more, a politically driven agenda has been thrust down the throats of court users about the deplorably low percentage of rape allegations that lead to conviction. The lawyer, who was pilloried by women's groups, said the touted Read More

Women Are Experts At Wasting Men’s Time

When you have a lot going on in your life, you don't waste time on pointless activities. If you're a single guy with plenty of dating options, you won't spend a minute of your day talking to a fat girl. If you're looking to make your first $1 million, you won't go searching the ground for pennies. Women, on the other hand, are not like men. Every day and night, millions of women waste the time of men they aren't attracted to, simply to be entertained and to pass the time. I was recently the victim of such a woman in Read More