Using Cyberspace To Get Sexy in Different Ways

Using Cyberspace To Get Sexy in Different Ways

Of course, the internet has changed everything! That’s no surprise, and it also didn’t take long before scanned photos of naughty photos from porn magazines ended up online way back in the More »

Why The Internet Is The Best Solution For Wife Seekers

Why The Internet Is The Best Solution For Wife Seekers

There is no doubt that men get lonely. They’re constantly on the prowl for the love of their life. Over the years, the way in which men search for women has changed More »

Exploring The Biggest Benefits Associated With Texting Apps For Your Smartphone

Exploring The Biggest Benefits Associated With Texting Apps For Your Smartphone

The way people communicate with one another has changed significantly over the past few years. In fact, 41% of US households were wireless only by the end of 2013. As long as More »

Why Would People Post their Nude Photos to the Public?

Why Would People Post their Nude Photos to the Public?

You’re not alone if you’re completely baffled that people would post nude pictures online. To many it seems like an utterly absurd and possibly dangerous idea with no upside. That just means More »

How to find people for NSA fun

How to find people for NSA fun

Been just a bit too lonely lately? You have often struggled to figure out exactly how to find people for NSA fun over the years, but today you have decided to take More »


Russian Folktales Can Teach You How To Be A Man

If you want to live in a country and understand its people, you need to have an understanding of the stories that they grew up with. Whether these are folk tales, fairy tales, or movies, they leave an impact on the psyche of the individual person. They serve as a reminder of the traditions, as well as the moral values that the majority of the population holds dear. Russia, and the surrounding countries of eastern Europe like the Ukraine or Belarus have a rich history of different folk traditions, among which the telling of folk tales and heroic epics is preeminent. Read More

The New Ghostbusters Movie Will Be Ruined By The Feminist Agenda

Hollywood has done it again— and by “it,” I mean taking a franchise that features men as heroes and transformed it into yet another casualty of fashionable feminism. This is especially hypocritical considering that this movie is based on a franchise that features men as heroes and was judged as sexist by feminists for featuring only males as the heroes. Slinging ectoplasm is man's work Like the proverbial kid sister who would fume at the fact that her brother and his friends would lock her out of the male only clubhouse, the feminists and their mangina accomplices in the media once again Read More

How Much?! Totting Up the Bill On Famous First Dates!

Ever watched a Hollywood movie and thought ‘that would never have happened in real life?!' Of course you have … Apparently fairytale romance comes with a price, as when it comes to love and movies, first dates often prove costly. American food brand Shari's Berries have done some fun research this week – working out exactly how much was spent on dates in a whole range of films, as well as whether the couple found true love in the end or not! The quintessential dating film of our youth … And a realistic date setting! (Though that's still well over Read More

5 Old School Tips For Getting Ripped

The following article is sponsored by Check out the following photos. On the left is a picture of an old time strong man from way back in 1898. On the right? A modern-day bodybuilder. Now – how would you rather look? Nearly every single guy I survey reports they would MUCH rather look like the old-time strongman. And yet – without even knowing it – most guys eat and train more like a modern-day bodybuilder than an old-time strong man. So in this article, I'll show you five ways to get a body like an old time strongman. 1. Back Away From The Bench! While modern-day Read More

Barbie Is The Perfect Role Model For Little Girls

Feminists claim that exaggerated beauty standards are toxic towards women. They point to Barbie as the supreme patriarchal oppression propaganda for little girls, no matter how often Mattel makes empowered versions of her. Doctor Barbie teaches little girls that women can both be sexually attractive and have a high-status career—as opposed to something embarrassing like an electrician or Applebee's manager. Barbie has it all, even though she can never convince Ken to settle down and give her a baby. For feminists, what bothers them is that Barbie is beautiful. Feminism is an ugly ideology that overtly seeks to glorify both inner Read More