Using Cyberspace To Get Sexy in Different Ways

Using Cyberspace To Get Sexy in Different Ways

Of course, the internet has changed everything! That’s no surprise, and it also didn’t take long before scanned photos of naughty photos from porn magazines ended up online way back in the More »

Why The Internet Is The Best Solution For Wife Seekers

Why The Internet Is The Best Solution For Wife Seekers

There is no doubt that men get lonely. They’re constantly on the prowl for the love of their life. Over the years, the way in which men search for women has changed More »

Exploring The Biggest Benefits Associated With Texting Apps For Your Smartphone

Exploring The Biggest Benefits Associated With Texting Apps For Your Smartphone

The way people communicate with one another has changed significantly over the past few years. In fact, 41% of US households were wireless only by the end of 2013. As long as More »

Why Would People Post their Nude Photos to the Public?

Why Would People Post their Nude Photos to the Public?

You’re not alone if you’re completely baffled that people would post nude pictures online. To many it seems like an utterly absurd and possibly dangerous idea with no upside. That just means More »

How to find people for NSA fun

How to find people for NSA fun

Been just a bit too lonely lately? You have often struggled to figure out exactly how to find people for NSA fun over the years, but today you have decided to take More »


Giving Up vs Failure

A lot of you have embarked on certain goals in life, didn't get that goal, and then felt like you failed. I'm here to tell you that you didn't actually fail—you gave up. Failure is when success would have been impossible no matter what else you did. Giving up occurs well before that. Failure involves genuine tears, punching holes in the wall (or at least wanting to), and a feeling of total defeat that puts you in a real depression. It's when you've tried absolutely every option humanly available to you after untold hours of effort but still could not accomplish Read More

Fifty Shades Of Grey Proves Women Want Male Dominance

Fifty Shades of Grey is hitting cinema screens globally this month. And feminists are fucking scared. At least 100 million people, the vast, vast, vast majority of them women, voted with their feet, eyes, purses, and credit cards and purchased the woefully-written book, which is nonetheless simultaneously a masterpiece of anti-feminism. Now comes the film, which will only further titillate millions of middle-aged and young women, and underscore the female desire for male assertiveness and their own submission to such masculine control. SJW's are unsurprisingly on the move, panicking that their narrative is under attack from not only reason but also the Read More

How to Online Date Safely!

The Online Dating Association have released a video this week to encourage daters to date safely and sensibly. Check it out – it has some lovely stats about how many people find love online, and covers all the stuff I would normally advise daters about safer dating- Miss Twenty-Nine xxx Read More

Sex And The City Is Full Of Red Pill Wisdom

Let me start by saying I've seen every episode of Sex and the City multiple times. I know the characters names, the men (and women) they've dated and what they do for work. While this may be odd to hear coming from an avid ROK reader and red-piller, keep in mind that many of us were betas and white knights before our awakening. I grew up with only my mother and older sister in the house. After two years in the college dorms (the equivalent of attending a feminist reeducation camp) I rented a house with four women and soon thereafter Read More

There’s nothing wrong with wanting love and a relationship but the path we choose to achieve our desires has its own consequences

I listen to people express their desire for a relationship and romantic love and there are a significant portion of these who come across embarrassed and almost apologetic. They feel as if they have to defend how they feel and what they believe, and some of these people, when confronted with romantic partners who are presenting them with something less than mutually fulfilling, will back away from their desires for the sake of keeping the peace and not wanting to appear “uptight”. Next thing, they've been on a permanent date for numerous years with one particular person who keeps flip-flapping Read More