Using Cyberspace To Get Sexy in Different Ways

Using Cyberspace To Get Sexy in Different Ways

Of course, the internet has changed everything! That’s no surprise, and it also didn’t take long before scanned photos of naughty photos from porn magazines ended up online way back in the More »

Why The Internet Is The Best Solution For Wife Seekers

Why The Internet Is The Best Solution For Wife Seekers

There is no doubt that men get lonely. They’re constantly on the prowl for the love of their life. Over the years, the way in which men search for women has changed More »

Exploring The Biggest Benefits Associated With Texting Apps For Your Smartphone

Exploring The Biggest Benefits Associated With Texting Apps For Your Smartphone

The way people communicate with one another has changed significantly over the past few years. In fact, 41% of US households were wireless only by the end of 2013. As long as More »

Why Would People Post their Nude Photos to the Public?

Why Would People Post their Nude Photos to the Public?

You’re not alone if you’re completely baffled that people would post nude pictures online. To many it seems like an utterly absurd and possibly dangerous idea with no upside. That just means More »

How to find people for NSA fun

How to find people for NSA fun

Been just a bit too lonely lately? You have often struggled to figure out exactly how to find people for NSA fun over the years, but today you have decided to take More »


Dear Mr. Nice Guy. You’ll Always Finish First.

OMG I love the article I've posted below. Believe it or not, my dad sent it to me. YES, big reveal. I have a father He's definitely a Nice Guy and I'm glad he is. Read the article below because it's awesome and I agree with everything Laura, the writer, says: An Open Letter To All The Nice Guys Out There: Don't Stop Trying Dear Mr. Nice Guy, Contrary to popular belief that you might finish last in this world, you absolutely come first for me. And not just for me, for a lot of other girls, too. We want Read More

Jail For Sending A Girl’s Naked Photos, No Jail For Fracturing A Man’s Skull

Hastings Fredrickson may sound like a porno name, but it isn't. Well, in a way it is. As I will demonstrate, the admittedly criminal behavior of Fredrickson is treated more seriously than countless examples of actually violent and more reprehensible acts, including where people (read: men) have had their skulls fractured. Fredrickson, who was an Australian defense contractor and before that an army commando, was convicted of three counts of using a carriage service in a manner “menacing, harassing or offensive.” A carriage service is simply British-based legal parlance for postal services, phone, internet, and other telecommunication devices. In the case of Read More

Conquering Hispanic Women: 9 Tips To Put Your Spanish Learning On Steroids

The following post is sponsored by Being able to speak Spanish in Latin America is the mating advantage. Being able to speak Spanish and being an exotic foreigner? You'll crush it. Foreign languages are an essential part of the international playboy's arsenal. In this post I'll show you how to cut your time-to-Spanish-fluency in half and get better reactions from Latin American girls. Let's get into it…. 1. Get Obsessed. Get Good. People who reach an advanced level in a second language are not interested in the language per se. The language is a vehicle for the real topic that fascinates them – Read More

20 Signs That We’re Not Living In A Patriarchy

Feminists typically justify their beliefs by claiming that America (and the west in general) is a patriarchy, a society where men dominate and women are subjugated. But does our world really privilege men over women? All the signs point to no. Here's why… 1. More women than men are attending college and earning degrees According to Pew Research Center, 71 percent of women enroll in college after graduating high school while only 61 percent of men do, with the gap widening every year. Additionally, since 2006, women have earned the majority of college degrees at all levels, from associate's degrees to doctorates. 2. Read More

Songs Against Sex: Collette’s Dream Man By Andy Nowicki

NOTE: Andy Nowicki is a personal friend of mine, and this article represents my personal opinions on the merit of his work. Western society is drenched in sex. Creepy “sex educators” teach prepubescent schoolchildren how to snap condoms onto cucumbers; videos of girls getting triple penetrated by horse-dicked men are accessible with a few keystrokes; the “right” of women to slut it up on the taxpayer's dime is reinforced by the ruling class. The left and right push the Gospel of Sex in their own ways, the former through slut empowerment and LGBTBBQ “rights,” the latter through holy matrimony and the Read More