Category Archives: For Women

How to give a woman an orgasm during sex

The suggestion is that for the perfect sex life a woman just needs to find the right man: usually a loving and considerate partner, who will, of course, know how to give her an orgasm. Self-evidently a woman needs a considerate lover if intercourse is to be a love-making act otherwise it is simply rape. A loving partner may cause a woman to be AMENABLE to intercourse but More → The post How to give a woman an orgasm during sex appeared first on Ways Women Orgasm. Read More

Women are much slower to arouse with a lover

Lesbians have the advantage (as women) of having a similar responsiveness[i] as their lovers. Also being women, they are not so intent on genital stimulation, penetration and orgasm. Lesbians can be more relaxed about exploring sexual pleasuring without any pressure to achieve orgasm. To experience orgasm, a woman needs a lover who is not distracted… More → The post Women are much slower to arouse with a lover appeared first on Ways Women Orgasm. Read More

The ‘non-genital’ female orgasm

In response to my suggestion that it was ridiculous to suggest that a man can give a woman an orgasm, a man wrote: "My wife is consistently orgasmic. They are obviously not faked. She can't fake the cries, the involuntary movements, the demands for more stimulation, and everything else that goes with orgasm. I've offered oral and manual stimulation. She rejects oral because she considers it unhygienic More → The post The ‘non-genital' female orgasm appeared first on Ways Women Orgasm. Read More

Understanding female sexual desire

One of the misconceptions of the sexual revolution was the proposal that, for men and women to be equal, they had to be the same. But testosterone is the sex hormone. Men's bodies are full of it but women have much lower levels of testosterone. Attributes traditionally considered feminine (e.g. being passive or accommodating) were thought to be signs of weakness or inferiority. Whereas traditionally masculine attributes (e.g More → The post Understanding female sexual desire appeared first on Ways Women Orgasm. Read More

Sexual arousal during intercourse

When I had sex for the first time, I was disappointed because I had hoped that sex would be spontaneously arousing enough for me to orgasm. I didn't have any clear idea about what I would do during sex except perhaps to respond affectionately to my lover's love-making. It's amazing when you think of it. I was eighteen years old and a virgin so my vagina was as More → The post Sexual arousal during intercourse appeared first on Ways Women Orgasm. Read More