Category Archives: For Women

Why Women Love Jerks – Or Do They?

A new friend and wing girl of mine, Duana C. Welch, Ph.D. is going to explain the scientific reason behind why women love jerks! Read her article below and I would love to hear what you think! Why Women Love Jerks~and what you can do about it Do women truly prefer jerks~men who treat them rudely, who act like they could take ‘em or leave ‘em, or who actually do take them…then leave them? I myself prefer good, true, honest, loving, kind, faithful men—most especially the nice guy I married. I'd choose him again and again. And yet we all know women who can't Read More

Why Older Men Seem So Boring and What You’re Missing If You Won’t Date Them

For the past few weeks I've been running my Date Like a Grownup Challenge: Create a Profile that Makes You Shine Online. It has been an amazing experience. Over 1000 women are registered and learning step-by-step how to create an online profile that helps you stand out and expresses who you are in a grownup, attractive way. This is how you magnetize the right men and make the wrong ones pass you by. (Sorry, this program is almost over, but you'll have a chance to join my next Challenge in short while.) I'm offering this free program because I know that Read More

Everyone ‘bounces back’ at different rates

It can feel very bewildering and even pressured when we are wounded by something that has happened but somebody is questioning why we haven't moved on from it yet or they're struggling to fathom our response to whatever happened. It might be that they're comparing what they think would be their own reaction with ours, or or it might be that they are technically the cause of the issue and feel that they've said or done what is needed for us to move on. It might be one of those situations where they've for instance, apologised but what they really Read More

Sharing physical intimacy with a partner

I always enjoyed sharing physical intimacy with a lover but this is very different to achieving my own sexual arousal. I always knew that true sexual arousal was missing because I was familiar with orgasm from the very first time that I had sex. Very few women discover female masturbation so early in their life. From the very early days, I appreciated the sensual aspects of More → The post Sharing physical intimacy with a partner appeared first on Ways Women Orgasm. Read More

Sexual relationships favour male orgasm

Younger women are often seen to be more sexual simply because, until they find their mate, they have more incentive to be popular with men. Dating includes sex as part of a ‘wine and dine' package fuelled on both sides by sexual ego. Sex is fun because of the chase and the novelty of an unfamiliar lover. So, single women often struggle to understand the challenges of a More → The post Sexual relationships favour male orgasm appeared first on Ways Women Orgasm. Read More