Category Archives: For Women

Sometimes, you just don’t have anymore energy left to explain why you’re stepping back, especially when they know why, they just don’t know that you know

Sometimes we can find ourselves in the position of knowing about what someone has done and not having the energy to get into some big ‘ole thing about it. It's not because we're letting it slide or that we're too afraid to deal with it; it's more that due to what we now know, we realise that if we go down the path of trying to ‘make' this person see our position, to express remorse, to acknowledge what they've done and what was so wrong about it, we're probably going to go blue in the face from trying to make Read More

How To Easily Talk To Women

Talking to women can be tough. Hell, talking to anyone can be tough. Creating conversation out of thin air, coming up with something interesting to say, being funny… It's a lot of freakin pressure right??!!! Not anymore. Because my awesome Wing Girl Jessica has created a simple, 3 step conversation mechanism that makes conversation come easy, no matter who you are talking to or what you are talking about. AND can make women more interested in you in a matter of seconds. This conversation mechanism can even make talking about fruit in the product department interesting. I swear! I wanted Jessica Read More

How Nerds Can Get Girls

Did you know that being nerdy is now the in thing?? Well it's true. Maybe it's because of that show The Big Bang Theory but women are now totally turned on and attracted to nerdy men. I thought this article on How Nerds Can Get Girls was awesome and wanted to share it with you. My comments are at the end: How Nerds Can Get Girls By: Sebastian from Are you a lonely nerd? In case you are one of the few nerds left that are not disguised hipsters, you don't have to be ashamed about it. I can confidently Read More

Forgiveness isn’t about agreeing with or condoning the other person’s behaviour; it’s deciding to be done

As I continue making peace with my past and recognising younger parts of me that still hurt and remember, not only am I committed to being self-compassionate and learning from when I'm not, but I'm also committed to not letting my past and those in it get away with robbing me of my present and my peace. I'm in command of me now and I can't give away my chance at life and my journey because it didn't start out as I would have liked and because of pain I've experienced. In the end, much as I could hold certain Read More

Mock Date With A Wing Girl (SKYPE)

Have you ever wondered why you never heard from a girl again, when you thought there was definitely SOMETHING there? Want to know if you are a good date or bad date? Sign up for a Mock Date with a Wing Girl and find out where you are going wrong and how you can change it. Includes: 30 minute mock date over skype, video of your mock date and a full analysis report on your dates reactions, thoughts and full experience of being with you as well as follow up instructions and exercises. Learn more… The post Mock Date With A Read More