Category Archives: For Women

Women’s sexuality is not limited by orgasm

Female orgasm is not easy and to suggest otherwise trivialises the effort women's partners make to arouse them. Women ‘respond' to please a lover.[i] This does not make them doormats. The world simply would not function if women were as egotistical as it is suggested they should be. Misconception #9: Contrary to the male experience,… More → The post Women's sexuality is not limited by orgasm appeared first on Ways Women Orgasm. Read More

The truth about female sexuality

Sex is a difficult subject to analyse because it relies on our emotions rather than our powers of logical reasoning. How many women have been as interested in sex as I have been? Having masturbated since the age of seventeen, I knew that orgasm was missing from sex. I consulted sex experts and had it confirmed that my partner and I are completely normal. I have read extensively More → The post The truth about female sexuality appeared first on Ways Women Orgasm. Read More

The Mature Single’s Guide to Stress Free Holiday Gift Giving

It's The Holidays. That oh so awkward time for those who are dating or in a new relationship. Yah, you're dating after 40, but you may still have the same questions about gift giving that you had when you were 20: Do I give him a gift? If, so what? What if I get him something and he doesn't get me anything? Or vice versa? If you're in an exclusive relationship, and have been for some time, I'm assuming you know each other well enough to figure out the gift giving thing without me. But for those of you who have Read More

Women’s sex drive to orgasm during sex

Becky explained via e-mail: “I had my first orgasm at 26 during masturbation - pretty late I know & since then no stopping me with the sex toys : ) . Plenty of my girlfriends have not though - and like you say, don't seem too bothered about it which I can't understand.” Despite this evidence Becky was convinced that every woman must be interested in orgasm. Many More → The post Women's sex drive to orgasm during sex appeared first on Ways Women Orgasm. Read More

The marvel of male sexuality

The film 'The Way We Were' (1973) stars Barbra Streisand and Robert Redford (the Brad Pitt of my mother's generation). She's the young woman from a humble background driven by political ideals; he's the young man from a privileged family who has no ideals. Of course she's a virgin and she ends up one night with him in the bed naked. He's so drunk that he's just thrown up More → The post The marvel of male sexuality appeared first on Ways Women Orgasm. Read More