Author Archives: admin

The Attitude Of Gratitude

Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others. – Marcus Tullius Cicero The importance of gratitude in the character of the masterful man is undeniable. The master feels gratitude for himself, for his own noble identity as a man, even for the various vicissitudes that life throws at him to chisel him into evolving into a higher individual, and so on. But the concept of gratitude has however become a very complicated subject, especially in today's increasingly amoral times, where it has sometimes even been used by some to psychologically enslave others. Furthermore, more often than Read More

3 Reasons You Should Lift Weights

Growing up, every boy wants to be so strong as to move mountains with one hand. This is a completely natural tendency, but going through the educational system of SJW brainwashing, their natural instinct to move, compete, and conquer the environment is smothered. In school, boys learn to shut up, sit down, and generally be as weak as possible, so as to not cause discomfort to females, which are usually in the majority of authority positions in the education system. Of course, females would prefer physically weak boys, since they tend to also be mentally weak and thus much easier Read More

In Praise Of The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders

First of all, this article is not condoning male thirst, nor is it meant to put the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders on a pedestal. Frankly, I don't even like American “Football” or the NFL in general. My inner libertarian despises the blue pill military worshiping culture surrounding it, and there are plenty of constructive things I could be doing with my time beyond watching multi-millionaire human rhinoceros barge into each other for more than three hours on a precious weekend. More than anything else, this article is giving praise to the organization of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders. The powers behind the iconic cheerleading Read More

An Idiot’s Guide To New Western Sexual Orientations

Up until a couple of years ago, my basic understanding of human sexuality was roughly as follows: there are men, and there are women. A person's sexual orientation could be defined as one of heterosexual (being sexually attracted to the opposite gender), homosexual (being sexually attracted to others of the same gender) or bisexual (being sexually attracted to both genders). Recently, however, I've been coming across a plethora of new terms in mainstream cultural commentary that purportedly seek to describe other sexual orientations. I quickly found myself coming across such terms as “pan,” “demi,” and even “homoflexible,” wondering what the hell Read More

Women Get A Pussy Pass Even For Killing Children

Here are two names, both child killers, which I would like you to know: Allyson McConnell and Arthur Freeman. Scrutiny of both cases exemplifies the tragic gender disparity in criminal responsibility, or lack thereof, for parents who kill their children. Arthur Freeman is currently serving a life term for murdering his daughter Darcey. The earliest he can seek parole is in another two and a half decades. The nature of Darcey's death, being thrown off Melbourne's West Gate Bridge on what should have been her first day of school, was without a doubt heinous. What drove me to write this piece was Read More